Es terrible perder a tu persona favorita del mundo.
Y que este mundo es demasiado ocupado, demasiado rapiodo. Peor sin vives en USA.
Tus prioridades cambian, tus actitudes a la musica y al arte se vuelve una cosa sin sentido, y definitivamente no hay tiempo.
Como he, voy a llegar lejos profesionalmente. Sere el perfecto molde de todo profesional aspirante de USA, pero en realidad, tu escencia se pierde en ese camino.
Papa, te extrano. Te extrano mucho. No se como seguir adelante si ti.
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Wednesday, October 21
Tuesday, April 21
Friday, April 11
Y despues uno se pregunta, como carajos aumente 16 libras?
2,900 calories 182 g fat 240 g carbs This weapon of mass construction is the caloric equivalent of eating 14 Krispy Kreme doughnuts, before your dinner arrives. Even if you split this "starter" with 3 friends, you'll have downed a meal's worth of calories....

Vivir en Dallas, Texas tiene sus ventajas (como los bajos precios de las casas), ambiente tranquilo y seguro para criar una familia, etc, sin embargo una de las desventajas mas grandes es que es la segunda ciudad en los Estados Unidos de mayor concentracion de obesos.
Para que tengan una idea de donde viene esta filosofia, aqui un articulo interesante de las peores comidas que sirven actualmente en restaurants en USA:, comentarios
Monday, March 31
March 31st, 2008
Una carta para mi y para ti,
Tercera copa de vino en lunes de feriado. No he tenido mayores compromisos que los libros y la limpieza. Despues de un momento me canse de tanta pendejada y me atrevi a ser mi misma. Me extrano...que vida tan artificial, he cambiado: menos espontanea, mas mecaninca, menos emocional (aunque aun dificil de sobrellevar).
Dios, dame un break. De pronto creces y creces, los dias se te hacen semanas y las semanas meses. En menos de un cerrar y abrir de ojos ahi estas: 10 anos a despues tus ojos tienen pequenas lineas alrededor, tus caderas siguien siendo atractivas pero se han engruesado. Justificas todo con la comida y te has olvidado de vivir.
Una plegaria para regresar a mi mundo interior, a buscarme, a buscarte. Nadie mas, nadie mas entiende. Mientras no entiendan, no son parte de mi mundo como tu lo eres.
CONEXION. Una palabra fuerte, una palabra de verdad como mi mundo.
No quiero vivir asi. No quiero seguir enganandome. Este, mi mundo, es lo que quiero, lo que me hace vibrar, lo que me hace vivir.
Extrano ser quien soy. Extrano la distancia y extrano lo idilico. Lo mecanico no funciona conmigo, no funciona conmigo
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Una carta para mi y para ti,
Tercera copa de vino en lunes de feriado. No he tenido mayores compromisos que los libros y la limpieza. Despues de un momento me canse de tanta pendejada y me atrevi a ser mi misma. Me extrano...que vida tan artificial, he cambiado: menos espontanea, mas mecaninca, menos emocional (aunque aun dificil de sobrellevar).
Dios, dame un break. De pronto creces y creces, los dias se te hacen semanas y las semanas meses. En menos de un cerrar y abrir de ojos ahi estas: 10 anos a despues tus ojos tienen pequenas lineas alrededor, tus caderas siguien siendo atractivas pero se han engruesado. Justificas todo con la comida y te has olvidado de vivir.
Una plegaria para regresar a mi mundo interior, a buscarme, a buscarte. Nadie mas, nadie mas entiende. Mientras no entiendan, no son parte de mi mundo como tu lo eres.
CONEXION. Una palabra fuerte, una palabra de verdad como mi mundo.
No quiero vivir asi. No quiero seguir enganandome. Este, mi mundo, es lo que quiero, lo que me hace vibrar, lo que me hace vivir.
Extrano ser quien soy. Extrano la distancia y extrano lo idilico. Lo mecanico no funciona conmigo, no funciona conmigo
dudas, comentarios
Tuesday, October 23
Hasta donde llegan estos pinches gringos..

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Monday 22oct07 11:55 p.m. EDT
Sen. Reid just filed for cloture to bring AMNESTY to vote on Wednesday -- All must phone Tuesday
This is not a drill. This is the real thing. A massive amnesty for illegal aliens is probably coming up for a vote Wednesday in the Senate. Our Capitol Hill Team just contacted me and reported that Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) has just filed for "cloture" on S. 2205 (the DREAM Act amnesty). If Americans don't phone Tuesday until the switchboard shuts down, it looks like we're going to have a brand new amnesty for illegal aliens coming out of the Senate later this week.
Phone Senate Switchboard 202-224-3121 Sen. Reid is hell-bent on getting this amnesty through the Senate as fast as possible and before we can fully mobilize the country as happened when we defeated his Comprehensive Amnesty bill in June. Here is something pretty amazing: After the American people overwhelmingly rose up against the big compromise in June that traded an amnesty for some mediocre extra enforcement, Sen. Reid is trying to push through an amnesty WITHOUT ANY ENFORCEMENT MEASURES! He is using the Rule 14 that I told you about last night to avoid any committee debate, hearings or deliberations. Filing for cloture means that he can bring the amnesty up on Wednesday.
The first vote will be on whether to allow the amnesty to come to the Senate floor for full debate and eventual vote. If we can hold the YES votes below 60, we can stop the bill in its tracks. We need 41 NO votes to guarantee killing it. You can see all the direct Capitol office phone numbers and the numbers for their offices back home at: You must emphasize to your Senators that a YES vote on cloture will be interpreted by all of us as a vote for rewarding millions of illegal aliens with amnesty.
En otras palabras: Entre gringos se reunen para pedir que se le niegue el derecho a un hispano a volverse legal. Yo preferiria que asi fuese para que ellos pudiesen trabajar en paz pero tambien contribuir con los taxes. No es lo que mas nos conviene?
dudas, comentarios

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Monday 22oct07 11:55 p.m. EDT
Sen. Reid just filed for cloture to bring AMNESTY to vote on Wednesday -- All must phone Tuesday
This is not a drill. This is the real thing. A massive amnesty for illegal aliens is probably coming up for a vote Wednesday in the Senate. Our Capitol Hill Team just contacted me and reported that Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) has just filed for "cloture" on S. 2205 (the DREAM Act amnesty). If Americans don't phone Tuesday until the switchboard shuts down, it looks like we're going to have a brand new amnesty for illegal aliens coming out of the Senate later this week.
Phone Senate Switchboard 202-224-3121 Sen. Reid is hell-bent on getting this amnesty through the Senate as fast as possible and before we can fully mobilize the country as happened when we defeated his Comprehensive Amnesty bill in June. Here is something pretty amazing: After the American people overwhelmingly rose up against the big compromise in June that traded an amnesty for some mediocre extra enforcement, Sen. Reid is trying to push through an amnesty WITHOUT ANY ENFORCEMENT MEASURES! He is using the Rule 14 that I told you about last night to avoid any committee debate, hearings or deliberations. Filing for cloture means that he can bring the amnesty up on Wednesday.
The first vote will be on whether to allow the amnesty to come to the Senate floor for full debate and eventual vote. If we can hold the YES votes below 60, we can stop the bill in its tracks. We need 41 NO votes to guarantee killing it. You can see all the direct Capitol office phone numbers and the numbers for their offices back home at: You must emphasize to your Senators that a YES vote on cloture will be interpreted by all of us as a vote for rewarding millions of illegal aliens with amnesty.
En otras palabras: Entre gringos se reunen para pedir que se le niegue el derecho a un hispano a volverse legal. Yo preferiria que asi fuese para que ellos pudiesen trabajar en paz pero tambien contribuir con los taxes. No es lo que mas nos conviene?
dudas, comentarios
Thursday, October 18
Siguen los desacuerdos y malos entendidos en el projecto para "Deportar criminales en USA".
Mi pregunta es : Porque solo los hispanos y no los chinos, indues o negros africanos?
At a City Council workshop Wednesday afternoon, Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd updated the council on the program. He detailed his department's arrest policies and presented findings from investigations into allegations of unfair arrests.
Chief Boyd said that while police give people citations for most traffic violations, they are allowed to make arrests for all but two violations – speeding and driving with an open container.
"We generally cite and release for a traffic offense," Chief Boyd said. "The exception to that is when the officer can't identify who they're dealing with."
Chief Boyd said when people have no identification or insurance card and their name doesn't match with the registered owner of the car they are driving, police will probably take them into custody. They will be cited for their suspected traffic violation and for not having identification. If citizenship can't be proved, the arrested person is then interviewed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents as part of CAP.
Irving officials began using the program in September 2006 and have since turned more than 1,600 arrestees over to federal authorities for deportation. That's about 11 percent of all people arrested in the 13 months ending Sept. 30.
Mientras se siga haciendo deportacion de ilegales hispanos, no importa lo que digan las autoridades, esto no es mas que una discriminacion racial.
Puedo dar mi nombre por los siguiente: Si los hispanos tuviesemos la oportunidad de tener mas visas y permisos de trabajo, no creo que tendrian el menor problema en pagar taxes al estado y dejar callados a los gringos. A las finales y como siempre, el dinero es lo unico que les interesa..
dudas, comentarios
Mi pregunta es : Porque solo los hispanos y no los chinos, indues o negros africanos?
At a City Council workshop Wednesday afternoon, Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd updated the council on the program. He detailed his department's arrest policies and presented findings from investigations into allegations of unfair arrests.
Chief Boyd said that while police give people citations for most traffic violations, they are allowed to make arrests for all but two violations – speeding and driving with an open container.
"We generally cite and release for a traffic offense," Chief Boyd said. "The exception to that is when the officer can't identify who they're dealing with."
Chief Boyd said when people have no identification or insurance card and their name doesn't match with the registered owner of the car they are driving, police will probably take them into custody. They will be cited for their suspected traffic violation and for not having identification. If citizenship can't be proved, the arrested person is then interviewed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents as part of CAP.
Irving officials began using the program in September 2006 and have since turned more than 1,600 arrestees over to federal authorities for deportation. That's about 11 percent of all people arrested in the 13 months ending Sept. 30.
Mientras se siga haciendo deportacion de ilegales hispanos, no importa lo que digan las autoridades, esto no es mas que una discriminacion racial.
Puedo dar mi nombre por los siguiente: Si los hispanos tuviesemos la oportunidad de tener mas visas y permisos de trabajo, no creo que tendrian el menor problema en pagar taxes al estado y dejar callados a los gringos. A las finales y como siempre, el dinero es lo unico que les interesa..
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Wednesday, October 17
Lo que sucede en mi ciudad..
Irving, Texas (parte de Dallas)
What is Irving doing?
Irving officials began using the Criminal Alien Program in September 2006 and have since turned more than 1,600 people over to the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation. That's about 11 percent of all people arrested in the 13 months ending Sept. 30.
What is CAP?
The program provides around-the-clock communication with federal authorities who interview arrestees and place immigration detainers on those who are suspected illegal immigrants.
Why has it become controversial?
The number of detainers placed on Irving arrestees each month more than doubled this year when ICE officials stopped visiting the jail and Irving officials began alerting ICE by phone about every inmate whose citizenship was in doubt. The city's use of the program gained broad attention last month when Mexican Consul Enrique Hubbard Urrea warned immigrants to stay out of the city. A rally protesting the program drew several hundred people to Irving City Hall days later. But those in support of CAP inundated the city with phone calls urging police to keep using it.
Mi opinion: El domingo me fui con mi estilista a pintarme el pelo. Creo que estoy tan aflijida por este suceso de deportacion en mi ciudad que creo y se lo comente..
Bueno, lamentablemente me encontre con una "gringa nacionalista"...pobre, ella penso que porque yo tengo in H1-B visa yo voy a delatar a todos los hispanos ilegales de la ciudad de Irving para que sean deportados por inmigracion...
Incluso esta semana me mando un email en donde me manda un link si sospecho de algun ilegal en mi ciudad...
Bueno, me imagino entonces que voy a tener que deportar a mi amigo y a 10,000 mas..POR SUPUESTO QUE NO!
Aunque yo haya hecho rico a inmigracion con una contribucion de alrededor de 30,000 en estos cuatros anos para mantener este estatus, escuchenme NUNCA voy a abandonar a mi raza y origines.
Estoy asqueada y decepcionada de la actitud de estos vaqueros red-necks de Texas. Esto mas alla de ser una norma para evitar el crimen es un insulto directo a la raza, en otras palabras, discriminacion.
Lei en un articulo hace poco en el editorial del como una editoria evocaba este episodio con uno similar al que vivieron los judios en la segunda guerra mundial.
Las cosas que he escuchado me tienen impactada:
dudas, comentarios
Irving, Texas (parte de Dallas)
What is Irving doing?
Irving officials began using the Criminal Alien Program in September 2006 and have since turned more than 1,600 people over to the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation. That's about 11 percent of all people arrested in the 13 months ending Sept. 30.
What is CAP?
The program provides around-the-clock communication with federal authorities who interview arrestees and place immigration detainers on those who are suspected illegal immigrants.
Why has it become controversial?
The number of detainers placed on Irving arrestees each month more than doubled this year when ICE officials stopped visiting the jail and Irving officials began alerting ICE by phone about every inmate whose citizenship was in doubt. The city's use of the program gained broad attention last month when Mexican Consul Enrique Hubbard Urrea warned immigrants to stay out of the city. A rally protesting the program drew several hundred people to Irving City Hall days later. But those in support of CAP inundated the city with phone calls urging police to keep using it.
Mi opinion: El domingo me fui con mi estilista a pintarme el pelo. Creo que estoy tan aflijida por este suceso de deportacion en mi ciudad que creo y se lo comente..
Bueno, lamentablemente me encontre con una "gringa nacionalista"...pobre, ella penso que porque yo tengo in H1-B visa yo voy a delatar a todos los hispanos ilegales de la ciudad de Irving para que sean deportados por inmigracion...
Incluso esta semana me mando un email en donde me manda un link si sospecho de algun ilegal en mi ciudad...
Bueno, me imagino entonces que voy a tener que deportar a mi amigo y a 10,000 mas..POR SUPUESTO QUE NO!
Aunque yo haya hecho rico a inmigracion con una contribucion de alrededor de 30,000 en estos cuatros anos para mantener este estatus, escuchenme NUNCA voy a abandonar a mi raza y origines.
Estoy asqueada y decepcionada de la actitud de estos vaqueros red-necks de Texas. Esto mas alla de ser una norma para evitar el crimen es un insulto directo a la raza, en otras palabras, discriminacion.
Lei en un articulo hace poco en el editorial del como una editoria evocaba este episodio con uno similar al que vivieron los judios en la segunda guerra mundial.
Las cosas que he escuchado me tienen impactada:
- Los policias identifican a una persona que parece hispana si tiene calcomanias en sus carros o una bandera foreanea en su carro; automaticamente las detienen y les solicitan sus papeles. Es mas, a mi hace 3 meses me pararon por esa zona donde se ven "muchos hispanos" y me hicieron preguntas como: Donde trabajas? etc.
- Los policias se van a parar en frente de los colegios y les preguntan a los hispanos por sus papeles..
Miles de personas han sido deportadas. Hijos se han quedado sin padres, madres ya no envian a sus hijos al colegio por temor a ser deportados, la gente ya no sale a la calle.
Hasta donde han llegado?
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