Friday, February 6

Southwest deja a sus clientes imprimir sus boletos desde casa.

Hoy mientras alineaba la parte delantera de mi carro en FIRESTONE (by the way, exelente servicio y atencion), tuve la oportunidad de leer el periodico EN PAPEL!!

Encontre un articulo interesante a cerca de esta aerolinea que ofrece BUEN PRECIO para viajes cortos dentro de la parte WEST de USA. En resumidas el articulo habla de que esta areolinea ahora permitira a sus pasajeros a imprimir sus boletos desde sus computadoras personales, ya no desde los kioskos del aeropuerto. Lo que a traves de ese sistema aun no se permite es que te asignen un asiento; solo a traves de hacer tu reservacion en linea tienes este beneficio.

Saben quien introdujo la impresion de boletos o e-tickets por primera vez?

American Airlines utiliza este servicio hace un ano, a traves de kioskos dispuestos estrategicamente en diferentes partes de aeropuertos.

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Thursday, February 5


Rank Company Rank Company

1 Wal-Mart Stores

(Noticia del dia de hoy 02/05/2004)en
Wal-Mart leads D-FW grocery sales

Wal-Mart's Supercenters place groceries and general merchandise in one location.Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has become the No. 1 seller of groceries in Dallas-Fort Worth, taking the lead in a top 10 U.S. market for the first time, according to data released Wednesday. Wal-Mart did it in D-FW against the Big Three - Kroger Co., Albertsons Inc. and Safeway Inc. - along with a host of others. It took the company about six years to rise from No. 6. Houston is probably the next major market where Wal-Mart will take the top spot.

2 General Electric - 26 Honda Motor - 27 American International Group
3 Microsoft - 28 Target
4 Dell Computer - 29 Walt Disney
5 Johnson & Johnson - 30 Colgate-Palmolive
6 Berkshire Hathaway - 31 BP
7 Procter & Gamble - 32 Exxon Mobil
8 IBM - 33 Royal Dutch/Shell Group
9 Coca-Cola - 34 Anheuser-Busch
10 FedEx - 35 Northwestern Mutual
11 Toyota Motor - 36 DuPont
12 BMW - 37 Volkswagen
13 Sony - 38 Costco Wholesale
14 Pfizer - 39 Caterpillar
15 Intel - 40 Walgreen
16 United Parcel Service - 41 Unilever
17 Home Depot - 42 Lowe's
18 Nokia - 43 Boeing
19 Nestle - 44 Michelin
20 PepsiCo - 45 Continental Airlines
21 Singapore Airlines - 46 SBC Communications
22 Cisco Systems - 47 Emerson Electric
23 L'Oreal - 48 General Motors
24 Merck - 49 TIAA-CREF
25 Citigroup - 50 HSBC Holdings

Una vez mas, a traves de mis nuevos LINKS como (Eduardo los quieres copiar tambien). Encontre una lista de las marcas MAS ADMIRADAS DEL 2003. Esta revista como ustedes saben (y ya se los he comentado antes) se basa en muchos resultados financieros, sin embargo el termino y la metodologia dan pauta para ser considerada como las marcas MAS IMPORTANTES DEL GLOBO.

A continuacion queridos lectores, les COPIO Y PEGO la completa metodologia de donde se obtuvo la informacion. Adicionalemnte les pongo en "negritas" el termino que uso para dar validez al TERMINO BRANDING. "Long term investment value" es una inversion que se hace a largo plazo y donde industrias exitosas colocan el nombre de BRANDING en su rubro.

Finalmente les puse el link de la compania que se dedica a hacer este tipo de investigaciones para que la conozcan un poco mas (tambien en negritas).

FAQ + Methodology
By Paola Hjelt

To compile the lists on these pages, the Hay Group surveyed more than 10,000 directors, executives, and managers at 345 companies around the world. Each respondent was asked to rank the other companies in his or her industry on nine attributes, and the average of those scores was used to compile the industry and country lists. Respondents were also asked to rank their top ten companies across all industries. The All-Star list is based on the results of that separate poll. In some cases, companies may perform better on the All-Star list than they do when judged solely by their industry peers.

The World's Most Admired Companies industry list is a jury of one's peers. Computer wonks rate other computer wonks; drug barons judge other drug barons. This is what gives the list such clout.

To be eligible, companies had to have revenues of at least $8 billion in 2001. Three hundred and forty-five companies were evaluated in this year's survey, 202 of them based outside the U.S. FORTUNE divided those companies into 29 industry groups, including three new categories--forest and paper products; mining, crude-oil production; and motor vehicle parts. Two industry groups changed names: mail, package, freight delivery is now simply delivery, and soaps and cosmetics is now household and personal products.

The Hay Group, which conducted the survey, sent out questionnaires in the fourth quarter of 2002. Respondents ranked their industry peers on a scale of one to ten, in nine categories: quality of management; quality of products and services; innovation; long-term investment value; financial soundness; ability to attract, develop, and retain talent; responsibility to the community and the environment; wise use of corporate assets; and global business acumen. A company's overall ranking is based on the average of the scores in all nine categories. Procter & Gamble (8.54) and PepsiCo (8.15) won the highest scores; Enron (1.25) and Kmart (1.77) had the lowest. Some newcomers to the top spots in their industries: BASF (chemicals), Skanska (engineering, construction), BP (petroleum refining), Johnson & Johnson (pharmaceuticals), Texas Instruments (semiconductors), and Limited Brands (specialty retailers).

The Hay Group, which has conducted research for the World's Most Admired Companies list since 1997, is a global human resources consulting firm with offices in 38 countries. Additional information about Hay's services can be accessed via

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Wednesday, February 4

Wal-Mart, Blimpie Serve Sandwich Alliance

NEW YORK -- Blimpie International has signed a master lease relationship agreement with Wal-Mart to own and operate Blimpie Xpress restaurants in Wal-Mart retail locations nationwide. Financial terms of the deal were not released.

The first two BLIMPIE Xpress leased locations in Wal-Mart stores will be opened in Florida in April 2004 and will be company-owned and operated. Blimpie International is interviewing potential franchisees who will own and operate the majority of all subsequent BLIMPIE Xpress locations in spaces leased in Wal-Mart stores.

The Atlanta-based company anticipates opening more than 100 Blimpie Xpress locations in Wal-Mart stores across the country this year.

"Our Blimpie Xpress restaurants provide customers with the same great Blimpie taste in a convenient, quick-service format which is a perfect fit for Wal-Mart customers," Jeff Endervelt, president and CEO of Blimpie International, said in a statement. "By locating our restaurants in the world's largest retailer we are able to offer a substantial business opportunity for both Blimpie and the franchisees that will be selected to own and operate these locations."

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Quiero llamar la atencion!

El tema que parece que hasta hoy, mi amigo EDUARDO ARCOS ( quizo dar como ultimo recurso para llamar la atencion. Que yo sepa Eduardo tu no has trabajado en Landor, en Bradingroup, en Interbrand o conoces a Marc Gove o a Jon Paul Lion en persona. Mucho menos has leido un solo libro sobre Branding. No has hecho una estrategia de marca ni mucho menos un brand-research, a menos que a tus DISENOS los llames BRANDING, cosa que esta un poco equivocada.

Que crees que te da el derecho de publicar notas sobres las marcas!?!
De lo ultimo! Recapacita!

Hoy quiero llamar la atencion 2

Asi parece ser la saga de cantantes como Janet Jackson o las siempre llenas de polemica "Madona" y ahora su amiga Britney. LLevo tres dias escuchando la explosion del media sobre este asunto.

No tenemos acaso suficientes problemas en USA como gente pervertida, asesinatos a sangre fria, maldita actitud indiferente de la gente, gente hispana queriendo ser legal y no teniendo recursos para hacerlo? no creen que el media deberia hacer noticia de lo que en verdad importa?

anyways, no un dia muy feliz I guess.
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Monday, February 2


Anoche me fui a casa de unos amigos a mirar el SUPER BOWL. La verdad es que tuve una expectativa un poco grande a cerca de la CALIDAD de los comerciales que iba a presenciar, sin embargo y ademas de PEPSI COLA, BUDWEISER y VISA, el resto de los cortos fue una triste desilusion.

Mucha campana anti tabaco-anti drogas, cria bien a tus hijos, etc, que la verdad que no venia ni al caso, porque esta celebracion se disfruta con cerveza y pizza en mano. (Ya me imagino cuanto habran ganado las pizzerias ayer por la noche).

EL premio de ORO se lo llevo la serie de comerciales baratos que poco mas y parecian esos que no les alcanzo la plata para hacerlos: AOL 9.0!!! FUE UN HORROR!!!
La intencion de este comercial fue explicar que la VELOCIDAD de AOL 9.0 era sumamente veloz. Bueno, para ello, pusieron el "servidor" de AOL en diferentes vehiculos motorizados como motocicletas, carros, etc. Un estupido gordito arrancaba en el vehiculo con la "maquina" de AOL dentro del vehiculo y tal cual "VOLVER AL FUTURO", el fulanito este regresaba de la epoca medieval o volaba muy lejos.

AOL: "Deberia darte VERGUENZA tus comerciales, UN ASCO"

En fin, asi termino mi noche de super bowl. AH, by the way: El juego estuvo (como dicen mis amigos ecuatorianos) ESPECTACULAR!!!
Hoy estoy cansada y hubiese deseado no venir al trabajo. Pero asi es la vida no?

Fuente: YO
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