Wednesday, August 13

Bank Of America Unveils Hispanic TV Effort
Orgullosamente de hacer un post de este banco. BANK OF AMERICA, es mi banco en USA. Nunca me jodieron porque no tengo un social para abrir una cuenta. Me manda mis estados de cuenta a la casa como cualquier otro banco y todas mis transacciones las hago a traves de un cajero. Ya sea un deposito, retiro etc.

Ademas puedo para TODAS mis cuentas en linea en 2 minutos. Y TODO ESTO ES GRATIS!!
Dejenme explicarles. Los pinches gringos estos creen que pueden COBRAR dinero por tener una cuenta de ahorro o de lo que sea, creen que te pueden COBRAR por cada transaccion que hagas.

Esta nueva iniciativa que ahora van a ver en un traslucido COPY and PASTE, se daran cuenta el porque este banco es MI PREFERIDO.


NEW YORK -- Bank of America said Monday that it is launching this week the TV leg of a multi-media campaign aimed at Hispanic consumers.

Four TV spots will air on Spanish-language channels such as Univision, Telemundo and other local stations through Oct. 24. The ads will run in regions with large Hispanic viewership, including California, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia (Atlanta), Texas and Washington, D.C.. Spanish language radio, print and billboard began June 16. Spend was not given.

Two of the spots feature messages about Total Security Protection and MyAccess free checking with direct deposit. The other two focus on messages about 80% less paperwork and are part of a campaign to acquire 7,000 incremental mortgage sales.

The tag for all is "Superacion constante," which the company says translates to "constantly striving for the best." The ads are designed to reach Mexican transitional consumers, those who have been in the U.S. for more than five years, according to Bank of America.

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